Our work focuses on quality restorations and creative solutions for unique surface finishes along with rust preventive coating systems.
NYC Bryant Park Perimeter Fence
With great honor and pride we were awarded the restoration of New York City's Bryant Park Perimeter Fence.
The Process
After burning off and abrasive blasting each section of the fence and taking care of the necessary weld tepairs, the TNEMEC three-step paint system was applied.Weld Repairs
Attention to Detail
We take the time to check each coating and touch it up where necessary.The Install
Eric's custom-built portable crane and custom welding tent made the installation efficient and safe.Completed
Welding Project for Village Community School, NYC
Wood Sculpture Restoration: Norman Mooney's Butterfly Effect
Norman Money, sculptor artist and owner of Workspace 11 contacted us to restore his beautiful butterfly garden sculpture.
Careful removal of the Varnish
After careful removal of the original varninsh we placed each wood petal in our Jackson Burn-Off Oven on a low temperature setting to remove moisture from the wood.Hand Sanding
All the petals were lighted sanded with orbital sanders and hand sanding to prep for the new varnish.The Finish
A client approved varnish was applied to ensure this sculpture's petals will have new weather resistant life in it's new garden setting!
Wood Table Texture
Our friends at KLN Studio had a unique project to raise the wood grain texture to a conference room table.
Knowing Abrasives
A soft raised grain texture was created for this conference room table.Careful Sample Matching
Prior to receiving this table we provided a couple of texture samples for client approval. You can ask us about details for your most creative projects.The Final Finish
KLN Studio applied this black finish.
Design and Fabriaction |Blast-Master Products | Taxi Stand Stanchions | NYC 34th Street Partnership
These were designed and fabricated by Eric A. Tulenko for Madison Square Garden.
We are inovators
34th Street Partnership was in need of taxi stand stanchions for Madison Square Garden.Design & Fabrication
Eric A. Tulenko designed posts, rope tie rings, and recessed sidewalk sockets. The stanchions lock into the recessed sockets when in use. When not in use, they have a cover that prevents trip hazards.Completed